
Funeral planning is the process of planning your own funeral. This works by allowing you to plan the day and set aside the necessary funds so it can be executed. These two aspects combine to produce a funeral plan which is passed on to the person selected to organise your affairs after you pass away (executor or administrator).
Once they receive this plan, they can contact your provider who will act on this and provide your funeral according to your wishes. Creating a funeral plan simplifies the role of your relatives or executor in your funeral due to you pre-emptively organising and paying for the event.
How to create a funeral plan:

There are two main ways to plan a funeral, you can either select an online/in person plan or you can choose to independently organise your funeral by contacting a funeral director. The types of plans range in price and services provided, so it is important to think about what type of funeral service you would prefer and select a plan which most aligns with this.

Developing a funeral plan independently will require you to get in touch directly with a funeral director so you can devise an individual plan together.

Once you have decided on a plan, either provided by a provider or organised independently, you will have to make decisions about the details of the day.

  • These include but are not limited to:
  • Funeral home selection
  • Funeral transport arrangements
  • Venue selection
  • The choice between cremation or burial
  • Coffin selection
  • Requesting prayers or readings
  • Flower arrangements
  • Funeral reception or Wake arrangements

The second part of funeral planning focuses on the payment for this plan. Payment can either be in a lump sum or monthly, making this payment is essential for your plan to go ahead.

Why you should consider funeral planning:

One reason to consider funeral planning is that in completing one, your loved ones will not have to do it on your behalf which saves them both time and money in a very stressful and upsetting period. Developing a funeral plan will also make sure that your funeral aligns with your wishes, ensuring you receive a religious send off or even just the day being aesthetically to your liking. Setting aside this money also ensures that your assets go directly to your loved ones for their own personal benefit rather than being used to fund your funeral.

What happens if there is no funeral plan?

If you have an appointed executor, they will oversee the planning of your funeral if you die without a funeral plan. This means that they will have to take money out of your estate (your money, property, or physical belongings) to do this. Last minute funeral planning can also have other effects such as being more expensive and may mean having to make sacrifices as to your wishes.

If you do not have a will when you die, the court will decide on who will administer your estate (according to the inheritance laws, this will usually be a relative) and they will oversee planning your funeral using your assets.

If you die without assets or a will the local authority you pass away in will cover the costs of a simple funeral arrangement for you.

Important considerations:

It is important to consider that funeral plans are not legally binding. This means that no one is bound by law to follow this plan and whoever is organising your estate ultimately has the final say on funeral decisions. This is despite sometimes going against the wishes of the immediate family in some cases. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider who you appoint as an executor of your estate and whether they will uphold your wishes/plan when you pass away.

When selecting a funeral plan provider, it is recommended to choose one who is registered by the Funeral Planning Authority as this will mean that they adhere to the codes of practise set out for this industry and that your money will be better protected.

How SharedAffairs can help:

Once your plan has been settled and payment organised you can upload this plan alongside other important documents such as your will to our site.

Any documents uploaded are stored securely and only released to your chosen contacts once our authentication process is carried out.

Shared Affairs removes the need for relatives or friends to search for physical documents such as a funeral plan and instead seamlessly delivers these directly to your chosen contacts, saving them time and giving you peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out.

To learn more: Arrange the funeral on

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