Top 10 Reasons for using SharedAffairs to plan what happens after your death – Part 2
Tax optimisation: in order to optimise IHT (Inheritance Tax), you can make Gifts to your oved ones. These need to be recorded and evidence provided. With SharedAffairs you can record these thereby ensuring more of your hard-earned cash goes to those who matter.
Patent pending algorithm: at SharedAffairs we are not just about making a high friction process better, we are about re-inventing the key elements of the process. To that end we have a patent pending algorithm for notifying people when a you pass away. In that way we will ensure that you need not worry about people needing to reach out to get access.
More than words. Share more than just words and gift lasting memories through the video feature. Record messages that are personal and that people can keep for a long time. It does not get more personal than that and after passing away, we are all desperate to see/hear our loved ones on
Write your own legacy. Ensure that you can say all that needs to be said and define your own legacy for the purposes of posterity. Most of us would like to ensure that we are remembered in a specific light. Many of us will want to ensure that our version of things is what is remembered and that nothing remains unsaid. SharedAffairs allow you to do just that
Record your own eulogy: Shared affairs allows you to film messages for loved ones. One of those could be your own eulogy which could be shown at the ceremony location. Just imagine how personal that could be.
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